Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Mystery has been solve-ed.

OK, we can all sleep easy now. I have finally figured out the name of the guy I was seeing in my premonition. The guys name is P. O'Brien, not Brian xxx. Now if only I can figure out why he's trying to contact me.....

Ok, get back on with your lives.


ChickyBabe said...

This is intriguing ... hope you got a good night sleep!

PiesFan90 said...

Thanks, I did. I remember that this guys nickname was "the plumber" due to his low riding jeans and inappropriate bum crack for the office.

Wisdom Weasel said...

Well done on the breakthough. In retrospect, it wasn't going to be Brian XXX, as that is only a movie role played by Vin Diesel.

Do you just catch a glimpse of the guy, or is he engaged in something of great import?

PiesFan90 said...

Basically, he's standing near me, I'm working on a server or desktop PC trying to get some work done and he's throwing me some advice about how maybe I should try this option of that option. Or he's whining about how he has to do some work and that's not what he is here to do ??? That was one of his catch crys.

BEVIS said...

So, nothing to do with being drafted to Essendon, then?

ChickyBabe said...

Please join me on my blog for a "Neighbourhood Perve"! :)

PiesFan90 said...

Beev, there still has to be a hidden meaning, I'm determined to find it out.
CB, thanks for the invite, i'll be over 5 minutes ago.

PiesFan90 said...

I've sent my feelers out to make contact with POB and see if I can put this to rest.

PiesFan90 said...

PS: Locket, I googled his name but it's the same as an aussie actor, so there are millions of hits.

word verif: elhog - what a beauty.

PiesFan90 said...

Now I can really sleep. The man is alive and well in Ballarat, married and expecting child (possibly).

magical_m said...

Clokeeeey, you've been watching too much Neighbours. P. O'Brien. Does he wear overalls and have a thing for girls named Daphne?

In keeping with the twitter theme.

Are You a Twitter Ninja?