Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Item for sale, all offers accepted.

In the tradition of Bevis' "Items for sale" I have the 80's classic Galaga (say it fast though).
One of a pair of Galagas.


BEVIS said...

Aha! Very good, I see. :)

I take my black-and-white stiped beanie off to you, sir.

(Just be careful you don't steal any of my upcoming material!)

BEVIS said...

(... I'll give ya $200 not to sell it to me!)

Melba said...

clokes, couldn't you find a pic that actually looked like a gallagher? sorry, being picky i know.

funny, but.

did i just say that??

Gianluca Di Milano said...

are you sell the monkey?

ChickyBabe said...

And I thought I stumbled on Bevis' blog by accident! Good one!!

Gianluca Di Milano said...

Clokeeeey you are the sports expert so I'm have one question. My egypt freind was say me that in his contry only the goalkeepers can be a gay, the strikers are not. I@m not understand nothing. What is he fuck talk about? Also are you like the watersports? I'm like to much. You can see in my blogs.

In keeping with the twitter theme.

Are You a Twitter Ninja?