Friday, August 18, 2006

Future dilemmas

I was watching an American sitcom tonight and the difficult topic of drug use came up. The eldest boy of the family was sprung with a bag of pot. The boy does the usual, "It's only pot"thing and the usual "I'm invincible" thing. All very predictable and also probably very true. The parents then sat the boy down and talked about the "drug issue" and how one parent never smoked it but the other did. In this case it was the mother who'd had the a pot experience and let her son know that while it may only be pot, she had been given some but it had been laced with something and she ended up in the emergency ward. Moral of the story, blah blah blah...

Good way to deal with it I thought, relate it back to your own experience and hopefully your child will take your advice and not proceed or continue down that path. In my experience, it's always a situation where someone introduces drugs to you and then it's up to you whether you try it or not. All we can do as parents is inform our kids and hopefully they will respect their bodies and give it a miss. It's always a peer group pressure thing. Should I be cool and try it? or should I be cool and not.

In my case, I will have my own story to tell my kids, one that ends in tragedy and it the reason why their mother is no longer alive. It's a story of addiction and I hope it shows them how it can all go terribly wrong. I just hope they don't succumb to "bad friends". I guess I won't know until the teen years come.

The funny thing is that the comedian in the sitcom was Tim Allen, notorious for being caught in possession and for rehab etc...


ChickyBabe said...

This is hardly a comparison but my dad was a chain smoker until he quit, and that had a profound influence on me NOT to smoke. Call me strange, but drugs never interested me. I wanted to be cool in other ways; maybe your kids will feel the same.

Wisdom Weasel said...

My favorite anti pot message is from South Park, which was pot won't kill you, it won't support terrorism, and it won't make you any more likely to become a smackhead than the other x% of the population who tried it at least once. What it will do is make you ok with being bored and being boring, which is just pathetic. Nicely put, I thought.

PiesFan90 said...

Hey CB, I saw my smoking grandfather lose both his legs to gangrene as a result of illnesses related to smoking. That was enough to keep that out of my to do list.

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