Not strictly a rant about the mighty Pies, but all things sport as I see fit.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I hate it when...
I hate it when you type a whole bunch of stuff and then Blogger loses it for you. I learnt early to type up a word document than cut and paste it into blogger. Job Done, but I forgot, started typing and lost it all. FARK!!
Yess, and MS Wurd alos helsp yoi wifh your speelung
You can download the Blogger for Word addin, so you can type in word then post to your blog.
OK, so I'm a geek!
Thanks CB, It doesn't seem to be able to load up my posts, but that's OK, I only really want it for write and publish duties.
PS: nothing wrong with being geek.
She's a sexy geek aparently...
Well if the silhouette is anything to go by.
*looks over shoulder coz melbgirl might throw her silhouette into the fray*
Hey! I miss a couple of days and look what I find!! No wonder my ears were burning :).
Mine didn't work first go, but perseverence paid off.
Sexy Geek
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